18th September 2024

Search Ashover Parish Council

Community First

Local Council Award Scheme Quality Council

Displaying 1 to 17 of 17

Presentation to Ashover Parish Council by David Thompson, Assistant Director of Planning, NEDDC

Updated Appendix I - Planning

Ashover Parish Council comments on NEDDC Local Plan Consultation on Gypsy & Traveller Sites.

North East Derbyshire District Council Local Plan
Notice of Submission of the North East Derbyshire Local Plan Development Plan Document

Ashover Parish Council comments on North East Derbyshire District Council's draft Local Plan 2011-2033 (Minute 288/17)

Letter to NEDDC from the Planning Inspectorate re Appeal by Marsh Green Estates Ltd re Planning Application 14/00766/OL Land at the Junction of Narrowleys Lane and Moor Road Ashover

This map shows the parish boundary for Ashover parish

Traffic Survey Analysis

Tue, 19 Jan 2016

This is the analysis of the Traffic Survey results undertaken in October 2015.

Full data results may be purchased from the Parish Council at a cost of £25.00.

Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Event Analysis

Emerging Policies Presentation

Neighbourhood Plan Drop in Event Invite 23-07-2015

Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire results

Neighbourhood Plan Survey results

Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire

Neighbourhood Plan Formal Notification from NEDDC

APC Comments 14.00776 Marsh Green

Parish Plan 2006

Mon, 10 Apr 2006

Ashover Parish Plan 2006