18th September 2024

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Councillor Chris Miller: Obituary

Councillor Chris Miller: Obituary

Those who had the pleasure of knowing Chris will have experienced his enthusiasm and dedication in getting involved in all aspects of community life.

Barry Lewis, Leader of Derbyshire County Council said of Chris:

'He was a true and lovely gentleman and we had many interesting conversations over the years. He'll be very much missed I know he'll leave a big hole in parish life in Ashover'.

Chris played a prominent role in the Parish Council where his business experience and sound judgement were very much to the fore at the meetings.

Ed Willmot, Chair of Ashover Parish Council, paid tribute to Chris's contribution over the years, saying 'For the huge passion and commitment to Ashover community and Ashover Parish Council, thank you Chris'.

Chris was a long serving member of the finance committee, and latterly the finance working group, where his contribution to both the day-to-day financial needs of the Parish Council, along with his invaluable contribution in setting the Parish precept will be sadly missed.

Sara, our Parish Clerk has many happy memories of Chris and commented 'I worked closely with Chris in his role as Chairman of the Burial Board and he was always available to help and advise with any issue that arose, using knowledge, compassion and common sense; I'll miss our chats about the world at large and hearing stories of his travels abroad.'

Another example of Chris' Parish Council responsibilities was as Chair of the Burial Board. He took great pride in his role and in his last contribution to the parish annual report reaffirmed his sentiment that he wanted the Parish Cemetery to be a place of peace and tranquility where people could go and remember their loved ones. Along with the Burial Board this is an accomplishment which is part of Chris' legacy.

It's also important to recognize that Chris was often the first point of contact for the bereaved and his kindness and empathy was appreciated by many at a distressing time.

Chris's role as Chair of Ashover Parish Hall was also much appreciated and respected:

'Chris was a great community person, always ready to help both as Chairman of Ashover Parish Hall Trustees and as a fellow Parish Councillor, he was exemplary.

Chris was reliable and trustworthy in all he did and will be sadly missed by everyone, he was a good example to follow, and a great friend to have.' (Rosemary and Nigel Early.)

One of Chris's many community interests was Ashover Brass Band who were quick to express their condolences:

'We were so sorry to hear this news. Chris was one of our Trustees too, and a great supporter of our aims as a Charity. We send our deepest condolences to his family and friends. We will certainly miss his support and friendship too.'

These tributes say so much about the man. Chris was a great champion for the community and we will miss him.

Posted: Wed, 18 Sep 2024

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