18th September 2024

Search Ashover Parish Council

Community First

Local Council Award Scheme Quality Council

Who we are & what we do

Ashover Parish Council consists of 10 elected councillors who serve for a four year term. All Councillors are voluntary and receive no remuneration.

The Parish Clerk is located at

The Sports Pavilion, Milken Lane, Ashover, Chesterfield S45 0BA

Council Meetings - see the council meetings calendar for more information and a list of Council Meeting dates here.

Annual Reports - see the Parish Council's Annual Report & Newsletters for more information.

For further information relating to the services offered by the Parish Council please contact the Parish Clerk who will be happy to give advice and assistance.

Parish Council Elections

Parish Council Elections take place in May every 4 years. The last Parish Council Elections took place in 2023.

Our councillors are elected or co-opted, if you would like to become a councillor or find out more about what they do then please see election details above

Policies Plans and Statements

Parish Councillors

Parish Councillors Code of Conduct

Parish Council Complaints Procedures

Committees and Working Groups

We have a finance committee, who meet as and when necessary but as a minimum at least once a year in October, when the precept requirement for the following year will be assessed ready for presentation to full Council.

We have a burial board working group, who have regular meetings. They take responsibility for the management of the cemetery and associated land.

Both groups have specific tasks and can have delegated powers which need to be confirmed by the full council.

Both groups produce minutes of all meetings which are posted on the Parish Council website.

The council may set up other working groups to deal with any issues relating to Parish business.

Our employees

We have 2 employees, a Parish Clerk who deals with the day to day running of the council, all financial matters in co-operation with the finance committee and burials in the Parish Cemetery in co-operation with the burial board. We also have a Health & Safety Monitor/Public Toilet Attendant, who undertakes inspections of some parish assets and cleans the public toilets on Moor Road, Ashover.

They can be contacted through the Parish Clerk by phone or email.

Parish Council Staff

Sara Atkinson

Parish Clerk


01246 863018

John Bown

Health & Safety Monitor/Toilet Attendant

via:- parishclerk@ashover-pc.gov.uk

via: 01246 863018

Sara Atkinson

Sara Atkinson

Parish Clerk

01246 863018
John Bown

John Bown

Health & Safety Monitor/Toilet Attendant

via: 01246 863018

Last updated: Wed, 15 May 2024 14:48